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Frequently asked questions to our technical support team can be found in this section.
With the Subscription license type, customers can use ideCAD for One Year. This is attractive for companies or individuals who know they need ideCAD short-term Click here to get the ideCAD price information
The Latest version of ideCAD is v11
No. The Trial version never expires. You extend It every 14 days. However the trial version file format is different than the commercial version. You can not open a trial version file with a commercial version.
You cannot hard print reports and drawings in the trial.
In the clasical toolbar menu if you click on with the right click of the mouse you will get it back. Click on the toolbars that you want to get it back and from there you can open or close them. If you are using Ribbon menu type, you should first go to the general settings and close the "Ribbon Menu" and then reopen the software, by this toolbar will be appeared. If you right click on any points of the toolbar you can get the full list of it, and you can easily close or open them.
Learn about your computer's display card model and download the latest drivers from the Internet to update the display card driver. Typically, laptops have two low and high processor graphics cards. Low processor video cards are insufficient. Always run the program with a high processor card.
ideCAD works on all the versions of Windows 7 and higher with 64 bits.
Remove the Ribbon menu from "Preferences" and restart the software.
ideCAD requires a 64-bit operating system, whereas a 32-bit operating system is not supported.
Yes you can.
Projects that have been saved in the trial version cannot be opened in the licensed one.
No you can't.
No you can't.
The trial version expires after 14 days from the activation date.
If your computer has an onboard graphics card, such graphics cards will not operate on ideCAD properly. We recommend using a laptop with an external video card. In some cases, the graphics card may have a driver problem. Download and install the latest drivers for your video card from the Internet. Typically, laptops have two graphics cards that work on low and high processors. Low-processor video cards are insufficient. Run the program with a high processor card.
You can not
Click on any button if you are working in a classic menu, or right-click on the toolbar on the left if you are working in a ribbon menu. Select the coordinate box from the drop-down menu
You can rotate your structure at any angle using the rotate structure command under the modify menu.
After obtaining the report, select the file by clicking "Save Differently." In the save section, select the pdf document, and when you give the file name, you will save the report as pdf.
The problem might be in the fonts. In the ideCAD report, change all the five font types into the "Arial".
This warning is caused by a Turkish character problem. You must edit your computer's language and region settings in Turkish. If this warning appears when your settings are in English, you must first select a different language and country and restart your computer. It will then fix the problem if you restart again by selecting the Turkish and Turkey.
You cannot work at the same time, you can just work with a computer that lock is installed.
When exporting DWG in ideCAD, another file with the CTB extension is created, containing color and pen thickness settings. To have pen settings in the print-out, click the "Plot Style Manager" command in the AutoCAD File menu and copy the CTB file. To print, use the "Plot" command in the File menu and select the name for the file in the "Plot Style Table."
Install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019 for 64 bits. You can download the packages from the Microsoft website.
The installation file may be interruped while downloading, so download the setup file and try again.
The project you are trying to open has been done in upgraded version. Update the program you are using and try opening the project again.
Run the program by pressing Ctrl + Shift, continue pressing Ctrl + Shift until a message appears that says record and input settings are cleared. Click OK to continue, and the program will open with the settings that are reset.
If the "Automatic Saving" feature is active in the general settings, periodical backup of the project is taken. In the project menu click on the open, and choose the "Backup Project Files (*.bak)". You can open last saved project by double clicking on it.
If the "Autosave" feature is active in the "Preferences" Dialog, a periodical backup of the project is taken. You can click the "Save As" command on the project menu and obtain a project backup file.
DWG drawing files can be used by choosing the "DWG/DXF –2B" in the import section of the ideCAD.
The unit selected in AutoCAD may differ from the unit being worked on. The scale of the imported drawing can be checked with the “Distance” command. In ideCAD, drawings to be used as a base should be on a one-to-one scale. If there is a difference in scale, the drawing can be scaled back to 1/1 scale with a ”Scale (Reference)” command.
The drawings made in the AutoCAD are probably too far from the point of origin. Select the entire drawing you imported and click on the "Move" command. in which you can give the bottom left corner of the drawing as the base point. Then use the coordinate box to move your drawing to (0;0) points. Now you can also see your data in the perspective window when you follow these steps.
The perspective may not appear on the screen if the drawing shown in the plan is too far from the origin (0,0) points. Move all drawings to (0,0) using the "Move" command. Press the “Home" in the perspective view and then move the camera angle and position close to the origin.
You need to perform Windows updates