Automated Structural Design with Architecture
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Automated Structural Analaysis

ideCAD Structural is an All-in-One Structural Engineering Software with Integrated Architectural Design and many other Building Information Modeling tools
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Automated Structural Engineering

Building Information Modeling (BIM) with ideCAD is Revolutionary BIM Software, Including Integrated Architectural Design, Structural Analysis, Structural Design, and Structural Detailing.
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Structural Analytical Model

ideCAD automatically generates an analytical model from your physical model. Increase the reliability and accuracy of your model with seamless, bi-directional integration between Structural and Architectural BIM Models.
Automated Structural Load

The Structural Load Model for Structural Analysis is Automatically generated from Architectural Models using Integrated Building Information Modeling (BIM)
You can apply additional structural load assigned besides the automated architectural load if needed.
Point, Line, and Area Loads

Applying user-defined point, line, and area loads to building objects in just one click
Automated Seismic Loading

ideCAD Automatically generates and applies seismic load. First, you select a seismic code; then, the Seismic Load Pattern form is populated with default values and settings that may be reviewed and edited.
Displacement Loading

Displacement loading represents the effect of support or other node displacements on the Building.
Temperature Loading

T1 and T2 temperature loads can be added to the load case for designing the structure.
Automatic Load Combinations

ideCAD Automatically generates load combinations. First, you select a code; then, the Load combinations are created automatically.
Manual Load Combinations

You can define extra additional manual combinations if needed.
Code Checking Automation

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Structural Analysis Automation

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Structural Design Automation

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Structural Detailing Automation

Structural Detailing with ideCAD Structural is a Revolutionary Integrated Structural Detailing Automation solution for Concrete and Steel Buildings.
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Architectural Design Automation

ideCAD Architectural is Revolutionary Architectural Design Software that Integrates Architecture and Structural Engineering with Building Information Modeling.
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Structural Engineering Automation

ideCAD Structural is Profesional Structural Engineering Software that Integrates Structural Engineering and Architecture with Building Information Modeling.
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Integrated Design with ideCAD

We mean it when we say, "Just as you planned"; One AEC Software,
One Integrated Building Information Modeling,
One Download,
One revolutionary reason to switch.
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