Code-check for Structural Design

Structural Code Checking in ideCAD is an Automated process that implies designing and verifying building elements according to codes and regulations for Structural Analysis, Seismic design, Structural  Steel design, concrete design, steel connection design, and detailing. ideCAD's Code-checking BIM Tools are a part of Revolutionary All-in-One Structural Engineering BIM collaboration Software for AEC Professionals to create architecture, 3D Modeling, analysis, design, and construction detailing documents.

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Integrated Code Checking

Structural Code Checking in ideCAD is an Automated process
Structural Engineering with Integrated code-checking
ideCAD Structural is an All-in-One Structural Engineering Software with Code Checking and many other Building Information Modeling tools and 
supports a range of International Design Codes, including those of the US (IBC, UBC), Europe (EC3), the Philippines (NSCP), Indonesia (SNI), the Dominican Republic, Thailand, Pakistan, and Turkey.

All-in-One Structural Engineering Software,
Integrated Building Information Model,
Just One Download,  
One revolutionary reason to replace.

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BIM for Structural Code Checking

Structural Code Checking with Integrated BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) with ideCAD is Revolutionary BIM Software, Including Integrated Architectural Design, Structural Analysis, Structural Design, and Structural Detailing.

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Seismic Design Code Check

ideCAD automatically generates and applies seismic design effects based on international seismic design codes. Such as ASCE 7-16, IBC, NSCP 2015, SNI 1726, DPT 1302, BCP 2021, MOPC, TBDY 2018, TBDY 2007

Learn More About Globally Supported Seismic Design Codes »

Concrete Design Code Check

The design of reinforced concrete columns, beams, shear walls, concrete slabs, and concrete foundations can be performed based on  ACI 318-19 reinforced concrete design codes.

Steel Design Code Check

The design of steel columns, steel beams, steel braces, composite beams, and steel purlins can be performed based on international steel design codes. Such as AISC 360-16 ASD,  AISC 360-16 LRF, Eurocode

Steel Connection Design Code Check

The design of steel connections Design (steel joints) can be performed based on international steel connection design codes. Such as AISC 360-16 (ASD), AISC 360-16 (LRFD), TSC 2016 GKT, TSC 2016 YDKT 

ASCE 7-16 Seismic Design with ideCAD

ASCE 7-16 Seismic Design Code Checking in ideCAD is an Automated process that implies designing and verifying building elements

Explore ideCAD for Seismic Design with ASCE 7-16 »

ACI 318-19 Concrete Design with ideCAD

ACI 318-19 Reinforced Concrete Design Code Checking in ideCAD is an automated process that implies designing and verifying Structural Reinforced Concrete Elements

Explore ideCAD for Reinforced Concrete Design with ACI 318-19 »

AISC 341-16 Seismic Design with ideCAD

AISC 341-16 Seismic Design Code Checking in ideCAD is an Automated process that implies designing and verifying Steel Building elements.

Explore ideCAD for Seismic Design with AISC 341-16 »

EC 3 Steel Design with ideCAD

Eurocode 3 (EC3) Steel Design Code Checking in ideCAD is an Automated process that implies designing and verifying Steel Structures.

Explore ideCAD for Structural Steel Design with EC 3 »

AISC 360-16 Steel Design with ideCAD

AISC 360-16 Steel Design Code Checking in ideCAD is an Automated process that implies designing and verifying Steel Building elements

Explore ideCAD for Structural Steel Design with AISC 360-16 »

AISC 360-16 Connection Design with ideCAD

AISC 360-16 Steel Connection Design Code Checking in ideCAD is an Automated process that implies designing and verifying Structural Steel Connections

Explore ideCAD for Steel Connection Design with AISC 360-16 »

Integrated Design with ideCAD

We mean it when we say, "Just as you planned"; One AEC Software,
One Integrated Building Information Modeling,
One Download,
One revolutionary reason to switch.

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