Structural Analytical Model
Structural Design for Architecture
The Structural Analytical Model in ideCAD is Automatically generated from Architectural Models using Integrated Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Integrated Structural Analytical Model Workflow in ideCAD Integrates Architectural Design and Structural Analysis in One Integrated Architectural Engineering Software.
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Structural Engineering with Architecture
ideCAD Structural is an All-in-One Structural Engineering Software with Integrated Architectural Design and many other Building Information Modeling tools
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BIM for Structural Engineering
Building Information Modeling (BIM) with ideCAD Structural is Revolutionary BIM Software, Including Integrated Architectural Design, Structural Analysis, Structural Design, and Structural Detailing.
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Architectural BIM Model
ideCAD includes integrated Architectural Structural automated workflows. Different disciplines work together with the same BIM Model for creating, editing, analyzing, and designing.
Automated Architectural Load
Automated Structural wall load assign using the architectural Bim model for slabs and beams.
Structural Analysis with Architecture
The structural Analytical Model is automatically generated in the background, simultaneously with the Physical Model. The associated Structural Analytical Model is automatically updated as the Physical Model changes over time.
Structural Load Assignment
You can apply additional structural load assign if needed besides the automated architectural load.
Structural Members
Rectangular, circular, trapezoidal, and general polygon sections can be used for reinforced concrete elements. The section library uses the circular, box, W, HD, IPN, IPE, HE, UPE, UPN, Angelina, and Castellated profiles for steel elements. With the section designer, new sections are created and you can combine the sections easily. Light steel profiles can be used in purlins and tie rods.
Shell Elements
In the modeling of slabs and walls which may also have gaps of various sizes, to determine the load transfer in their planes accurately, it can be modeled as shell finite elements containing 6 degrees of freedom for both in-plane and out-of-plane displacements and can have different in-plane and out-of-plane effective cross-sectional stiffnesses as specified in codes.
Wall Stacks
You freely draw walls and define the wall stack selecting the walls.
Flexible Diaphragms
You can analyze structures without diaphragms by modeling them as flexible with 3D frame members.
Rigid Diaphragm
Rigid diaphragm effects will be on the joint of the beam-column and areal object points.
Semi-Rigid Diaphragm
Semi-Rigid Diaphragm is used in cases that have irregularities. The purpose of this diaphragm is crucial for the stories affected by forces and to transmit these forces at the basement to shear walls.
State of the Art Meshing
State of the art meshing, Modern, reliable, powerful, and lightning-fast meshing including slab, column, beam, shear wall for the entire structure.
Structural Analysis with ideCAD
Structural Analysis with ideCAD Structural is a Revolutionary Integrated Structural Analysis Software solution for Buildings.
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Architectural Design with ideCAD
ideCAD Architectural is Revolutionary Architectural Design Software that Integrates Architecture and Structural Engineering with Building Information Modeling.
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Structural Engineering with ideCAD
ideCAD Structural is Profesional Structural Engineering Software that Integrates Structural Engineering and Architecture with Building Information Modeling.
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Integrated Design with ideCAD
We mean it when we say, "Just as you planned"; One AEC Software,
One Integrated Building Information Modeling,
One Download,
One revolutionary reason to switch.
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